
AS Opening Seqence

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Still Images

Shot 2:
This picture is taken using the over the shoulder camera angle. Showing Akin starting his journey. However, we could have included the whole of Akin's body, but we concluded that this shot would not look appropriate for our aim. The angle and the framing of the shot have come out correct, because it has came out the way we wanted. We wanted Akin in the middle, which as you can tell he is positioned correctly. Overall we are happy with this shot as it is clear and presentable.

Shot 3:
This shot is a tracking shot, it is effective because it shows how Akin is getting to his final desination (walking). This shot we have taken has come out very well, because we aimed to show Akin walking to the stairs, and having the setting very clear in the background works well. We feel that this shot is one of our best because of all the contents of the photo we aimed to be there, we are very happy over the outcome of this shot, as it convays our aim thoroughly.

Shot 4:

This shot is a close up of Akin's feet. We wanted to use a high angle close up because this show makes the viewers feel he is in position of authority. Also we had not used a close up before and this provides variety. To improve this shot we could have used a high angle shot from the top of the stairs, because this again shows authority, and also provides more variety.

Shot 5:

This shot could be viewed in either two ways, a tracking shot or a long shot. It could be a tracking shot because the camera is following Akin, however a long shot because the shot shows all of his body. Again this is showing his journey to his desination. Again i am very happy about the outcome of this shot.

Shot 6:
This shot is a low angle two shot. The low angle convays both people are intimidating. This shot looks effective because we are both standing in the correct position and it looks very presentable. There is not much me or my group could change about this shot.

Shot 7:

This shot is a over the shoulder shot, it is mainly used to show two people in a conversation. This is very effective because the viewers can clearly see we are currently talking. One downside of this photo is that we have repeated the over the shoulder angle, but used it effective, and the shot beforehand is of a simular style, and don't link in to the best that we could have linked them to.

Shot 8:
Again, this is another shot over the shoulder. Again showing we were in a conversation, and showing Akin saying goodbye to me, this is clearly persented, and easily shown that Akin is saying goodbye walking through the door. This again could be changed due to using this type of angle before, but we have protrayed it very well for it to work, even though we are continuing to use this angle.

Shot 9:
This is a Mid-shot. We used this angle because we have not used it before and because it protrayed our aim very clearly. This is effective because it is showing Akin leaving through the door. It is a Mid-shot because is shows half of his body. I believe we have met our aim very well with this last shot.

Friday 18 September 2009

Summer H/w

Task 2:

Many Television Soap Operas follow the same codes and conventions; however some soaps such as “Coronation Street” uses these in different ways in order to attract wider range of audiences. Soaps use ongoing current affairs to base their story lines around. For example, death, marriage, pregnancy, divorce. These allow viewers to relate to the soaps. Also how the soaps eagerly create suspense for the audiences by ‘dragging’ out a story for several weeks! With soaps bringing back old characters, they bring a newer audience to their screenings, because the new audience will be watching it just because of the return, or they will bring back old audiences because it could be a highly liked character.

Coronation Street has main characters young and old, new and old. Several are known just for their roles in Coronation Street. Characters such as ‘Vera Duckworth’ portrayed by Elizabeth Dawn, is known worldwide for her appearances in the soap, ranging from 1974-2008. If people were asked to name a character from Coronation Street; instantly ‘Vera Duckworth’ would be mentioned straight away.

Coronation Street is mainly set on sets. The exterior set was extended and updated in 1999, to include more of Rosamund Street, Victoria Street and a new viaduct on Rosamund Street. The majority of interior scenes are shot in the adjoining purpose-built studio. From 1960–1968, all interactions on the 'outside' street were filmed on a sound stage, with the houses reduced in scale to 3/4 and constructed from wood.

Task 3:

Hotel Rwanda is a 2004 historical drama film. The film documents Rusesabagina's acts to save the lives of his family and more than a thousand other refugees, by granting them shelter in a hotel. The film was co-produced by US, British, Italian, and South African companies, with filming done on location in Johannesburg, South Africa and Kigali, Rwanda. As an independent film, it had an initial limited release in theatres.