
AS Opening Seqence

Thursday 19 November 2009

Setting Up Camera and Sound System


1. Set out the tripod.
2. Put the camera on the tripod.
3. Put the battery in.
4. Then turn it on 'A' setting.
5. Then insert the tape.
6. Open the viewfinder.
7. Then take the lens off the camera.
8. Then press the record button on top of the camera to record a video.


1) Screw and connect the two parts of the microphone together.
2) Insert microphone into the two clips of the holder.
3) Insert the microphone in the holder into the windshield.
4) Connect lead to back of microphone
5) Attach the cover to enclose microphone
6) Take out the boom pole, extend 2 levels. And screw into hole of windshield holder.
7) Connect the other end of the black lead to the “Channel 1” on the camera.
8) Connect the headphones.

Monday 16 November 2009

Analysis of opening sequences of 3-4 films in Thriller Genre

Analysis of opening sequences of 3-4 films in this genre. Use these questions to help you:

• How does this opening sequence establish the key generic codes and conventions?
• Does this sequence meet your expectations of a typical opening sequence from this genre? Explain why or why not?
• What clues are given about the narrative?
• If there are characters at this point, do they follow the typical features of characters from this genre or not?
• Write about how people and places are represented in this sequence? Do they follow or subvert genre conventions? Explain.
• How is music used? How does this reflect the genre?
• How are titles used? How does this reflect the genre?

Perfect Stranger:

At the beginning of the scene the movie starts with black screen with just the music playing. The music is eerie this makes the audience want to continue watching. After the blackout the film starts with zooming out of an extreme close up of an eye, to a close up of the eye. This shot instantly draws the viewers in. After it has zoomed out of the eye, it moves onto a close up of Rowena Price (Played by: Halle Berry). This directly causes the audience to think weather or not she is the antagonist or protagonist. Making the audience confused, and adds to this mystery of the thriller genre movies.

The sequence meets my expectations as a typical opening of a thriller film because with the opening two shots being of an eye being zoomed out from and a close up of Rowena Price (Halle Berry). Just these two scenes have already made me feel confused about weather or not she is a bad guy or the good guy. This creates mystery and inigma for the audiences, and intices them to continue watching to find out the real indentity of Rowena Price.

The clues start from the first two scenes again. With them showing the eye then to the woman, making the audience think how are the eye and person related, what inside meaning do the mean, and how the character will be protrayed during the length of the film. From the opening two scenes the audience could think that Halle Berry is playing an antagonist of the film, however the scenes after this confuse the audience because.

During the short sequence of an opening we do not see many people or locations introduced into the film. From what we have seen (Rowena Price) adds to the mystery of the film and the genre. We are not introduced to any locations except the bathroom she is standing in, this makes the audience confused and again adding to the mystery of the film.

We have only been introduced to one character at this point in the film. The character Rowena Price follows typical features of a character because the audience doesn’t know much about her, adding to the mystery of the film.

They use music at the beginning when showing the eye to entice the audience to continue watching, and to follow on the music and see where the movie is going to. The music is eerie this makes the audience want to continue watching.

Phone Booth:

In the opening sequence this film instantly establishes the key generic codes and conventions of a thriller movie. The first real shot we see is local areas around New York City. With this there is a narative talking about several phone booth scattered around the city, making the audience confused as to why the narrative is speaking of the booth, then stating “2 blocks away meet the man who will be the last user of the booth”. Making the audience confused and wonder what is going to happen, adding to the mystery of the genre. This is a key convention of a thriller genre because its keeping most of the story quiet, giving hardly anything away to the audience, this entices them to continue watching.

When talking about the phone booths the music changes to eerie, giving off the impression that something is up, making the audience want to watch and listen more to see what is going to happen to the character played by Colin Farrell.

During the short opening sequence we are not introduced to many locations, only seeing various locations around New York where phone booths are situated, adding to the eerie atmosphere given off to the audience.

The music at the beginning of the film is quite a fast pace, however when showing the phone booths the music gets slow and has a eerie effect to it, making the audience want to watch more finding out the mystery added to this introduction.

Dark Knight:

In the opening sequence this film instantly establishes the key generic codes and conventions of a thriller movie. It starts off with an esablishing shot, showing the audience the location of the movie. The view of the location is an aerial view, could connate that the next scence of introducing the characters could be on a rooftop of a buliding. Everyone knows being on a rooftop is forbiden, so if shown on a rooftop we will know the characters are up to no good.

Effectively the camera zooms right into the building directly opposite it, again convinsing the audience that the building having a major part in this opening. During the zooming there is no sound being played, making the audience confused as to what could happen, with the no sound. The first sound being the gun noise going through the window, showing the first of our characters. This instantly entices the audience to continue watching, wondering why he is escaping from a high level of a skyscraper. The characters are all wearing masks, a main code and convention in thrillers, this adds to the mystery of the genre, not reavalling the indentity of the characters.

Lastly they show another character standing at a juntion on his own, with his back to the camera with a mask and a big bag dangling from his hands. This again is another main code and convention of mystery thriller, because it is not giving away the indentities or further events of the film to the audience, making them want to continue watching, even more.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Treatment for Addicted



its not over til he says it's over


George: Loser, lonely, obsessive behaviour
Michelle: Pretty, popular
Richard: Brave, Handsome, smart


George is not ready to let go of michelle and what she put him through, he will stop at nothing until she chooses him.


George the geek leader of the beavly high, its the last day of college for him and his mates. George starts talking with his friends telling them how he's secretly been in love with michelle all these years. All his mates laugh at him and tell him to forget about her because she'll never go for the geek type and to save himself from humiliation. they all laugh but George tells them that he's madly in love with her and knows that she feels the same. he tells his friends that when him and michelle are together they'll see who gets the last laugh.

George asked Michelle out but Michelle humiliated him in front of everybody he was very upset by this and builds hate inside of him for her. After a few years he has grown but is still hurt by Michelle’s actions. He sees her in a cafĂ© close to where he lives in the morning. He starts to secretly follow her which leads to him stalking her. He starts to threaten her and her boyfriend, Richard, sending her scary notes, e-mails and write on her blog. Until one day Michelle meets George face to face with him but she doesn’t know that he is the stalker and thinks she’s meeting him for the first time in years. She invites him to dinner with Richard. At her house he mistakenly says something that they remember being in one of the threatening notes. This then makes them realize he is the stalker. They are shocked but they try not to give themselves away.

Richard calls the police and they hear George’s threats to kill them. the police run through the door just as George is about to hurt richard and attack the George. George is put in prison for attempted murder, richard and michelle stay together and are both glad they are safe.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Analysis of opening sequences of 3-4 films in the Thriller Genre

Analysis of opening sequences of 3-4 films in this genre. Use these questions to help you:

• How does this opening sequence establish the key generic codes and conventions?
• Does this sequence meet your expectations of a typical opening sequence from this genre? Explain why or why not?
• What clues are given about the narrative?
• If there are characters at this point, do they follow the typical features of characters from this genre or not?
• Write about how people and places are represented in this sequence? Do they follow or subvert genre conventions? Explain.
• How is music used? How does this reflect the genre?
• How are titles used? How does this reflect the genre?

Perfect Stranger:

At the beginning of the scene the movie starts with black screen with just the music playing. The music is eerie this makes the audience want to continue watching. After the blackout the film starts with zooming out of an extreme close up of an eye, to a close up of the eye. This shot instantly draws the viewers in. After it has zoomed out of the eye, it moves onto a close up of Rowena Price (Played by: Halle Berry). This directly causes the audience to think weather or not she is the antagonist or protagonist. Making the audience confused, and adds to this mystery of the thriller genre movies.

The sequence meets my expectations as a typical opening of a thriller film because with the opening two shots being of an eye being zoomed out from and a close up of Rowena Price (Halle Berry). Just these two scenes have already made me feel confused about weather or not she is a bad guy or the good guy. This creates mystery and inigma for the audiences, and intices them to continue watching to find out the real indentity of Rowena Price.

The clues start from the first two scenes again. With them showing the eye then to the woman, making the audience think how are the eye and person related, what inside meaning do the mean, and how the character will be protrayed during the length of the film. From the opening two scenes the audience could think that Halle Berry is playing an antagonist of the film, however the scenes after this confuse the audience because.

During the short sequence of an opening we do not see many people or locations introduced into the film. From what we have seen (Rowena Price) adds to the mystery of the film and the genre. We are not introduced to any locations except the bathroom she is standing in, this makes the audience confused and again adding to the mystery of the film.

We have only been introduced to one character at this point in the film. The character Rowena Price follows typical features of a character because the audience doesn’t know much about her, adding to the mystery of the film.

They use music at the beginning when showing the eye to entice the audience to continue watching, and to follow on the music and see where the movie is going to. The music is eerie this makes the audience want to continue watching.

Phone Booth:

In the opening sequence this film instantly establishes the key generic codes and conventions of a thriller movie. The first real shot we see is local areas around New York City. With this there is a narative talking about several phone booth scattered around the city, making the audience confused as to why the narrative is speaking of the booth, then stating “2 blocks away meet the man who will be the last user of the booth”. Making the audience confused and wonder what is going to happen, adding to the mystery of the genre. This is a key convention of a thriller genre because its keeping most of the story quiet, giving hardly anything away to the audience, this entices them to continue watching.

When talking about the phone booths the music changes to eerie, giving off the impression that something is up, making the audience want to watch and listen more to see what is going to happen to the character played by Colin Farrell.

During the short opening sequence we are not introduced to many locations, only seeing various locations around New York where phone booths are situated, adding to the eerie atmosphere given off to the audience.

The music at the beginning of the film is quite a fast pace, however when showing the phone booths the music gets slow and has a eerie effect to it, making the audience want to watch more finding out the mystery added to this introduction.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Thriller Movies

For this task, we were asked to research into the background of Thriller movies. Example: Target Audiences, Favourite Thriller movies and some Actors and directors of Famous Thriller Movies.