
AS Opening Seqence

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Evaluation 1


In what ways does your media product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE forms and conventions of real media products?

Our film is a thriller, and features the point of view (POV) of a main character. We used the usual codes and conventions. We developed them into our own film, by our usage of our background music, and our quick editing with our credits in between shots. Our background music – which was a piece of music called In Memoriam. This piece of music we placed over the whole sequence on top of our diegetic sound. We did this to build the emotions of our audience. This music playing throughout the scenes will entice our audience to continue watching through the tension given off by the piece. But also kept the diegetic sound on screen to keep our film realistic. The dark knight uses sound very effectively even in the first 30 seconds of the film. In the dark knight the first shot is an aerial view of skyscrapers, this zooms closer and closer to one particular building, during this zoom it is complete silence. This creates anxiety in the audience, wondering what is going to happen, and why the shots were placing so much empathises on this building. The silence is broken with a sound of glass breaking, this adds to the audiences tension making them jump, and be intrigued as to what the men inside are doing. We challenged these codes and conventions, but not giving away to much information to our audience, which was one of the reasons why we only used point of view shots in our sequence. This was to put the audience of our film into our characters situation, giving off the impression of a stalker. We developed these codes and conventions further, in our editing. We put credits in between all of our shots, along with the quick editing between each of these shots. This placed a break in our sequence, and also make our audience eagerly await the next shots, this would create tension in our audience, and would entice them to watch even more, because they will want to know what happens next, and weather their pre predictions were correct

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