
AS Opening Seqence

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Evaluation 7


Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back onto the preliminary task I found this quite easy because it was rather fun, and was not too complicated. This helped me progress from this onto the full product because, finding that easy and quite enjoyable I was quite excited to progressing onto other aspects of the film. In our preliminary task we learnt the basics of making a film, by learning all details about the camera, sound and editing. Our preliminary task made me aware of all of the aspects of all technical items for our main film, and having a pre run of making a sequence helped me, because I made mistakes where I learnt from and I knew not to make again in my main production. For example, when filming our preliminary task me and my partner used shots that we thought would go well, but after the editing stage they did not click with the rest of our sequence, so we understood that in order to improve for our main task we would have to prepare all different shots for all different situations, in order not to make the mistake again.

Pre planning was quite practical, in drawing a storyboard. This helped me visualise my film, and made me excited to be a part of the filming process, and I was excited to be screening it to my fellow classmates. Again, this helped me make fewer mistakes as before, because in our preliminary task we made a storyboard, but changed halfway through because it was not working well, we then had to recreate a new storyboard, and this wasted time on the filming of our sequence, therefore for our main task we spent more time originally designing our storyboard to get it near perfect, this gave us more time for the technical aspects of our film.

The main difference from preliminary task and main task was, that I was unaware of how many mistakes I would make in my preliminary task, but these mistakes I felt personally made my main task stronger, because everybody makes mistakes, and you can only learn from them, which is what I did.

With the post production of my film, again in the preliminary task I was unfamiliar with the editing software, so I was a new learner, because of this, we never filled in our continuity sheets in well, we did not clearly highlight the good and bad shots, this lead to confusion whilst digitising. We had to digitise all our shots, and watch them one by one to see what were good and what were bad. This took us an extra hour in doing, which for our main task we would not have. Therefore I learnt from this, and made sure the director of my film was highlighting the shots with ticks and crosses. Leading onto our editing for the main film, this made is easier and quicker. This gave us more time to work on the order of the shots, and soundtracks, along with the speed of our editing.

I felt the preliminary task helped immensely because without this task I feel I would have made many mistakes, and that my sequence would not be of a high standard that I believe it is now.

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