
AS Opening Seqence

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Evaluation 3


What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Because our film is an independent, it would only be targeted by independent film distributors, simply because our film is not a blockbuster made film, even if it was up to that standard. Just because it is a low budget or and independent film, does not mean it cannot be “successful”, this would be on a small scale audience, because it will not be distributed worldwide.

Distributors such as YouTube would be an ideal location for me to screen my film, because most users of the website are our target audiences, and would find our film easy with the searching options. Our film would come up as a ‘related videos’ to many videos that they have searched, it could jump out at them.

YouTube allows users to have their own account, where people can upload and share videos, but also comment on videos and rate out of 5 stars. This would be good because I could share my film for many people to see, where they could rate and give their good and bad opinions on my film, telling me what I could do better next time I chose to create a film.

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