
AS Opening Seqence

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Evaluation 4


Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our main audience for our film is older kids, i.e. 15-17 year olds.
Simply because they are a similar age of our main cast, we believed this as the pace of our story is fast and young people usually like to live life fast paced. However this could change, because our film could also attract young men, in their 20’s, but we are preliminary aiming at teenagers. To attract them to our film, we stick to one continuous story, in order to not confuse them, but to entice them as well. Our film is mainly aimed at boys, however it could branch over to females too, because a thriller is not the common film a female teenager would watch, however a few of them would relate to the film, because a similar story could be happening in the ‘real’ lives and relate to Michelle (our character being stalked).

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