
AS Opening Seqence

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Evaluation 5


How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract our audience, we would have to advertise our film in several different ways, in order to attract different types of people. For example, we would have to create different posters to place in different areas, where our target audience would clearly see them.

For example, creating a poster to stick around on the streets, near bus stations, or train stations because many kids get these transports to school. So therefore they would see our poster daily and possibly be attracted to our film. Also placing them around shopping centres on billboards, because many kids tend to go shopping on a Saturday or Sunday and would see our poster.
Our poster will have a clear title in White Bold font, with a character in the centre of the frame. The Person is wearing black clothing, with would use low key lighting in order to blacken half of his face out, this would give off the mysterious effect to our audience.

We also attracted people to our film by the actual footage, of a persons POV running down the road constantly ringing Michelle. This would attract our audience because they are on their toes, and are eager to find our what will happen next in the film. Also by the way we have not relieved the identity of our character in the opening sequence, we entice the audience to keep watching, because they are wanting to watch more to see who the character is, and what their main intensions are.

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