
AS Opening Seqence

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Evaluation 2


How does your opening sequence represent particular social groups?

The main social groups aimed for our film are young boys and girls, in higher education (i.e. College). These are the typical thriller target audience, and usually the ages of main characters in this genre. For example we tried to represent our character as a black African Male (Even if the audience does not see the character), quite young around 16 years of age, and in higher education of college or 6th form. We used certain costumes to show this, he would wear very dark clothing, i.e. Black trousers. We used these colours and items of clothing to represent him, firstly as a male with the trousers and then evil and possessive with the black colour. He is the typical loner kid of the school, shown by his colour of his clothing; black is a very neutral outcast colour. Typically worn by Goths (Outcasts of High school social groups) Throughout our sequence we used Point of view shots, with George not coming into contact with people or being inside, when he is inside the house he is quite calm and collective. However once outside he becomes scared and quite edgy, causing him to faint, showing him being uncomfortable of being around society.

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